One of my favourite places is **Cezanne Studio Aix-eu-Provence, south of France. Cezanne’s paintings are very still and powerful. I was fascinated by his painting, the Two Card Players -
the player on the left is the father who was against him painting...........
THE STUDIO - ‘Calm harmony with Nature the logic of colour re-creating space’…. Enter his world, and follow his footsteps. On entering Cezannes studio there is a small sheltered garden and patio overhung with trees that splatter dappled and delicate sunlight, there is immediately a sense of calm and quiet, people speak in hushed tones, upstairs there is only the one room Cezannes studio, it holds the artefacts Cezanne liked to collect to express his art, a small marbled statue with an arm missing, fruit that is withering, in one corner hangs his dirty painters coat, a black suit jacket and his hat, everything is ordered and yet not ordered, there is a sense of harmony with nature, Cezannes art - his apple still lifes, his card players, capture this calm through the use of colours space and light , there are windows along the left and right walls and the rest is painted a stone grey, there are his easels palettes and picture frames, its not a shrine, its a testament, a place that speaks of art and what art is about, Cezanne worked very much alone, was rejected by Paris artists and was the first modern artist. QUOTE Cezanne: "For the strong feeling for nature which I assuredly have is the necessary basis for all conception of art upon which depends the greatness and beauty of all future work, the knowledge of the means of expressing our emotion is no less essential and is only to be acquired through very long experience." Footnote: A large group of Italian women entered the studio and spent the time chatting loudly and they lost it. Later a group of Japanese entered the studio and they were so hushed, respectfully soaking it all in.